Calcium is one of the most essential nutrients for plant growth and development. It plays a crucial role in forming strong cell walls, improves stress tolerance, and contributes to fruit quality. While there are several methods of delivering calcium to plants, using granular calcium fertilizer is one of the most common and effective. Here are four of the biggest benefits of using granular calcium fertilizer and how it can help to improve your garden.
1. It’s Easy to Apply
One of the major benefits of using granular calcium fertilizer is that it is easy to apply. This form of calcium offers two possible applications. Your first option is to spread it evenly over the soil surface and then water it in. The second option is it can be mixed into the soil when planting or transplanting. This makes it a convenient option for gardeners and farmers who want to quickly and easily provide their plants with the calcium they need.
2. Granular Calcium Fertilizer has a Slow-Release Formula
Another benefit of using granular calcium fertilizer is that it is typically formulated as a slow-release fertilizer. This means that it will release its nutrients over a longer period of time, providing plants with a steady supply of calcium throughout the growing season. This is particularly useful for crops that have a long growing season, as it helps to ensure that they receive the calcium they need for optimal growth and health.
3. Improves Soil Structure
In addition to providing plants with calcium, using granular calcium fertilizer can also have a positive impact on soil structure. Calcium is an important component of soil structure and can help to improve soil structure, making it easier for roots to penetrate the soil and absorb water and nutrients. This can lead to healthier and more robust plants that are better able to withstand stress and produce higher yields.
4. Reduces Soil Acidity
Finally, using granular calcium fertilizer can help to reduce soil acidity. Acidic soils can be a barrier to plant growth, as they can limit the availability of essential nutrients. Adding calcium to the soil helps to neutralize the soil. Reducing soil acidity makes it easier for plants to absorb the nutrients they need. This helps them grow stronger and increases yield.
Therefore, using a granular form of calcium is a simple and effective way to provide plants with the calcium they need for optimal growth and health. Its slow-release formula, ability to improve soil structure, and ability to reduce soil acidity make it a valuable tool for gardeners and farmers looking to improve their crops. This is especially effective when you’re preparing your soil for Spring planting and transplanting. So, whether you’re growing vegetables, fruits, or flowers, using granular calcium fertilizer is a great way to ensure that your plants receive the calcium they need to thrive.
Calcium is a vital element for the growth and development of plants. When it comes to fertilizer, it is important to understand the different forms of calcium available and the benefits they offer. Two of the most common forms of calcium in fertilizer are granular calcium and micronized calcium. In this blog, we will explore the differences between the two to help you make an informed decision when choosing calcium for your plants.
Granular Calcium as Fertilizer
Granular calcium is a form of calcium that has a larger particle size and is often added to soil directly. This type of calcium is easy to spread evenly in the soil and can provide plants with the necessary nutrients they need to grow. However, granular calcium can take a long time to dissolve and be absorbed by plants. This means that it can take several weeks or even months for your plants to see the benefits of granular calcium.
Micronized Calcium
Micronized calcium, on the other hand, is a form of calcium that has been broken down into much smaller particles. This type of calcium is an excellent addition to your fertilizer and is designed to be more rea
dily absorbed by plants. The smaller particle size allows for better absorption and quicker results, which can be seen in as little as a week after application.
Which Calcium Option is a Better Fertilizer for Your Plants?
The type of calcium you choose for your plants will depend on your specific needs and goals. If you are looking for a quick boost in plant growth and health, micronized calcium is a better option, as it is absorbed quickly by plants. However, granular calcium may be the better choice if you are looking for a long-term solution for improving soil health.
In conclusion, when it comes to calcium in fertilizer, it is important to understand the differences between granular and micronized calcium. Both forms offer benefits to plants and soil health, but the right choice will depend on your specific needs and goals. When in doubt, consult with a local expert or horticulturist to determine the best option for your plants and soil.
Calcium is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy lawns. It plays a vital role in the growth and development of grass plants and is necessary for proper soil structure, nutrient uptake, and disease prevention. This blog post will discuss the importance of “lawn calcium” and how it can benefit your lawn.
First, it’s essential to understand that soil pH plays a significant role in providing calcium to plants. A pH level between 6.0 and 7.0 is ideal for most grasses, and calcium is more readily available to plants within this range. However, when the pH level is too low, it can cause the soil to become too acidic, leading to a calcium deficiency. In this case, adding lime to the ground can raise the pH level and make calcium more available to the plants.
Calcium is also essential for adequately functioning the root system, which is responsible for absorbing nutrients from the soil. Therefore, adequate calcium levels in the soil can lead to more substantial and robust root systems, allowing the lawn to drink more water and nutrients. This can lead to a denser, greener, and healthier lawn.
Lawn Calcium & Disease Prevention
Calcium also plays a crucial role in disease prevention. Calcium helps to strengthen the cell walls of grass plants, making them more resistant to disease. In addition, calcium can help prevent common lawn disorders such as dollar spot. Dollar Spot is a fungal infection caused by a lack of calcium in the plant’s tissues. Ensuring your lawn has a proper amount of bioavailable calcium, such as Kelzyme, will prevent this infection.
Calcium is also essential for maintaining soil structure. Calcium helps to flocculate clay particles in the soil, resulting in improved soil structure and better water-holding capacity. This is particularly important for lawns in areas with heavy clay soils.
In conclusion, “lawn calcium” is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn. It helps to regulate soil pH, promotes root growth, prevents diseases, and improves soil structure. Gardeners can add calcium to the soil through lime, gypsum, or calcium carbonate. Always consult a soil test before adding any amendments. Regularly testing the pH levels in your lawn and providing the necessary nutrients, including calcium, can lead to a lush and beautiful property. Shop now.
With recent storms across the United States, many people have seen excess water in their farms, gardens, and lawns. While this may be helpful for some, others may feel the effects of the calcium deficiency in their plants. To help understand the severe impact flooding can have on your soil, without the availability of calcium from Kelzyme products, take a look at your yard. Rains can create standing water for days, or water runoff, leaving the roots of your plants and lawns to drown or lose out on nutrients.
Not only can flooding create standing water and high nitrogen levels, but it can also cause serious calcium deficiencies in plants and lawns. This can lead to calcium deficiency in plants and lawns, affecting their growth and overall health. If your yard cannot properly move the water throughout its’ soil, you have an evident calcium deficiency.
Flooding in gardens creates calcium deficiency in plants; without added calcium, the soil can’t properly flocculate the water.
Calcium is an essential mineral for plant growth, as it plays a vital role in cell division, elongation, and the development of strong cell walls. It is also crucial for developing roots and absorbing other essential nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. Without sufficient calcium, plants will struggle to absorb these other nutrients, leading to stunted growth and poor overall health.
When flooding occurs, the soil becomes saturated with water, which can lead to the leaching of calcium and other essential nutrients. Flooding can result in a significant decrease in the soil’s calcium levels, which can lead to calcium deficiency in plants.
Flooding can be detrimental to the health of your plants and lawn.
In addition to leaching, flooding can also lead to the formation of anaerobic conditions in the soil, which can inhibit the growth of beneficial microorganisms that help to maintain the soil’s nutrient levels. This can further exacerbate the problem of calcium deficiency in plants.
You can do a few things to mitigate the effects of flooding on your soil. First, you can prevent calcium deficiency in plants by ensuring your grounds have appropriate granular calcium content. The granular product will offer continued soil support by gradually breaking down over time. Another option is improving drainage around your yard, reducing the risk of flooding. This includes installing drainage systems, elevating planting beds or using raised beds, and choosing plants more tolerant of flooded conditions.
In addition, incorporating calcium-rich amendments such as Kelzyme into the soil can help. Kelzyme will help replenish the soil’s calcium levels and promote healthy plant growth.
Overall, flooding can significantly impact the soil and the plants that grow in it. It is vital to take steps to mitigate these effects to promote healthy plant growth and prevent calcium deficiency.
Calcium is an essential nutrient for plants, microbial life, and lawns. Though you can find various forms of calcium, Kelzyme is one of the best-performing calcium products on the market. Due to its bioavailability, organic form, and the fact that its naturally occurring, Kelzyme sets the industry standard for calcium. One of the critical roles of Calcium is to balance the pH of soil. Kelzyme’s ability to naturally bind to the negative ions in the soil enables it to balance the PH quickly and effectively.
The pH of the earth is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity and is vital to the growth and health of plants and microorganisms. A pH range of 6 to 7 is ideal for most plants, and calcium plays a crucial role in maintaining this range. Calcium helps neutralize soil acidity, which can be caused by factors such as high levels of sulfur or nitrogen. It also helps to regulate the uptake of other essential nutrients, such as magnesium and potassium, by plants.
Using Calcium to balance your soil and build microbial life.
In addition to balancing soil pH, calcium is also essential for roots’ growth and development and plants’ overall health. It plays a crucial role in cell wall formation, which is necessary for the structural integrity of plants. Calcium also helps to strengthen plant immunity, making them more resistant to disease and pests.
For microbial life, the presence of calcium in the soil is vital for the growth and survival of beneficial microorganisms. These microorganisms play a critical role in nutrient cycling and soil health, and a lack of calcium in the soil can negatively impact their populations.
The importance of Calcium for your lawn.
For lawns, calcium is essential for maintaining soil pH and promoting healthy growth. A well-balanced pH is crucial for nutrient absorption; grounds may become stunted or yellow in color without adequate calcium. Additionally, calcium helps to strengthen the cell walls of grass plants, making them more resistant to disease and pests.
In summary, calcium is an essential nutrient for plants, microbial life, and lawns. It plays a key role in balancing soil pH and promoting healthy growth. By adding calcium to your soil, in the form of Kelzyme, you can ensure that your plants, microbial life, and lawns have the nutrients they need to thrive.
Learn more about both our Granular and Micronized products and how they can support your soil here.
One of the most common questions in the June and July growing seasons is, “How do I cure blossom end rot?” The answer is straightforward; Kelzyme.
Why does Kelzyme cure blossom end rot? To dive deeper into understanding the cure we need to better understand the cause.
Blossom end rot is caused by a lack of calcium movement within your plant. Your soil may be rich in calcium, but if your plant is unable to absorb that calcium, it will not be able to absorb the water or other nutrients you are feeding it. Since tomatoes and peppers are some of the hungriest plants, if they are not able to properly uptake nutrients and water, they will develop blossom end rot easily. Ensuring your tomatoes and peppers, and all plants, have the ability to feed well, you must offer them the appropriate amount of calcium in the right form.
We have all heard the phrase “Milk builds strong bones,” and why? Milk builds strong bones because of its calcium content. This, in a way, is the same way calcium makes strong bones within your plant, which ultimately is the cure for blossom end rot.
Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for any plant is because of its’ ability to ensure your plant is absorbing the nutrients and water it needs to be healthy. Calcium assists in the opening of your plant on a cellular level to keep nutrients and water flowing properly throughout the plant, creating more fruit, building the immune system of the plant, and ultimately ensuring it thrives. It’s building your plant up on a cellular level, from the inside out, just like it does for humans.
One of the best things about Kelzyme is that it feeds the soil through its bioavailability, which is important. The form in which you offer nutrients matters, and to ensure your plant is nourished with what it needs, without any opportunity for lockout or burn, the calcium in Kelzyme is offered at the pace of the plant. The Calcium and trace minerals within the product help to balance your soil effectively, nourishing your plant from the roots and building the bridges between water, nutrients, and cell walls. It is the best cure for blossom end rot because it ensures your plant has the ability to uptake the nutrients easily by offering 37% calcium, alongside a multitude of macro and micro nutrients, without the potential to cause any harm.
So how do you apply Kelzyme to cure blossom end rot? The answer is straightforward; whichever way is easiest for you.
Kelzyme comes in tow forms, granular and micronized, and both can be beneficial for your plants at all stages. The micronized version is excellent for hydroponics, foliar sprays, and can be added into your top soil. The granular version is prime when you are first planting, transplanting, or can also be added into your top soil. Whichever way is most convenient for you, Kelzyme will dive into your soil and provide nourishment, healing your plant from the roots up. You literally can’t do it wrong.
To better understand why Kelzyme is one of the best soil amendments around, we have to better understand what exactly Kelzyme is. So let’s dive deeper…
…Into the ocean that is. The uniqueness of 100% Natural Kelzyme™ traces back millions of years over which time nutrient-rich sea kelp and various forms of marine life thrived and subsequently fossilized. This ancient marine life was rich in life-supporting minerals, plant growth stimulants and cytokinins. 100% Natural Kelzyme™ is sourced from a designated single area in northern Nevada. The site of this ancient sea kelp bed containing those nutrient-rich, fossilized remains. 100% Natural Kelzyme™ is an OMRI-listed and CDFA Organic Input Material (OIM)-registered calcium-rich mineral composite, making it one of the best soil amendments on the planet.
At Kelzyme® Research & Development, we believe in the stewardship of Mother Nature. As such, we take pride in providing natural, sustainable products to our customers, enabling nature to give back to nature. It’s a huge reason why Kelzyme is one of the best soil amendments you can possibly use for plants and soils of all types.
100% Natural Kelzyme™ is a unique product of nature, and one of its most significant nutrient components is calcium. 100% Natural Kelzyme™ contains a guaranteed minimum of 35% calcium, which is vital for the growth and development of plants. Plants require a panel of essential elements in the root zone. One of the most critical to plant development and also one required in the largest quantity is calcium. A calcium deficiency may often result in poor root and shoot growth. It can also cause necrosis on leaves and abnormal development of growing points or terminal buds. Conversely, calcium enhances plant, root and shoot growth.
Calcium is an integral part of plant cell wall structure and builds strong stems and leaves.
When calcium is taken up by the plant, it forms pectin, a structural heteropolysaccharide contained in the primary cell walls of plants. In essence, calcium is the structure that binds cell walls together. This creates a strong and healthy plant, which is why Kelzyme is one of the best soil amendments on the market. As calcium is not easily redeployed from one area of the plant to another, a steady supply of calcium is necessary throughout the life of the plant to strengthen its vascular system. It also helps produce thicker and stronger stems and promote new growth at the growing tips. If the plant has a healthy vascular system, it is able to more efficiently take up water and other essential minerals. The results? A stronger, more disease-resistant, stress-resistant plant. This provides a more bountiful and healthy crop.
In fruiting crops specifically, a bump in the supply of calcium (and nitrogen & magnesium) early in the plant’s life is often suggested to promote and establish good plant structure and vegetative growth. [Note: often and especially in the later transition between vegetative growth and flowering and fruit set, a bump in the rate of potassium is often suggested]. Calcium in the plant is also an activator for a number of plant growth-regulating enzyme systems, helps convert nitrate-nitrogen into forms needed for protein formation and also serves as an intracellular messenger.
Included in the unique profile of Kelzyme is a variety of other nutrients including iron with a guaranteed minimum of 0.15%. Iron is vitally important in the manufacturing process of chlorophyll and is also required for certain enzyme functions. Other benefits include natural plant growth substances with cytokinin-like properties which have been correlated to increased chlorophyll concentrations in plant tissue – particularly the cotyledons. Additionally, cytokinins promote cell division or cytokinesis in plant roots and shoots and also support bud growth. Furthermore, cytokinins have been demonstrated to play a positive role in increased plant immunity. 100% Natural Kelzyme™ also contains a spectrum of other beneficial and necessary minerals in trace quantities. Some of which include boron, copper, chloride, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, nitrogen, potassium, silicon, sulfur and zinc.
A healthy soil profile is critical for a healthy plant, which is why having the best soil amendments is important. 100% Natural Kelzyme™, in addition to feeding the plant, also supports and feeds the soil which in turn helps nourish the plant. 100% Natural Kelzyme™ flocculates clay and organic matter particles, leading to proper soil porosity, soil aeration and soil drainage. Each of which support the beneficial biology of the soil complex, aerobic by nature. Additionally, the beneficial soil biology is further nourished by feeding heavily upon the calcium supplied by 100% Natural Kelzyme™. And lastly, 100% Natural Kelzyme™ neutralizes acid soils which otherwise can be injurious to optimal plant and soil health. The net result is a product of nature, that gives back to nature by promoting healthy soil, healthy plants and healthy crops.
100% Natural Kelzyme™ fosters vigorous and beautiful plants, robust fruits and vegetables and lush turf. It is ideally suited for vegetables, fruits, citrus, flowers, buds, shrubs, trees, orchards, vineyards, turf, nut, row and field crops.
100% Natural Kelzyme™ is available in two forms: Micronized and Granular.
Both the Micronized and Granular forms can be utilized in traditional soil media. The Micronized form will work quicker while the Granular form offers slower, more residual activity spanning many months. The Granular version can even span into later growing season(s) depending upon the rate used. Either form –the Micronized and the Granular—can be applied both indoors and outdoors any time of the year before or after planting and throughout the growing season.
So no matter what you’re growing, do yourself a favor and grab some Kelzyme because it truly is one of the best soil amendments on the planet.
Ready to take your garden to the next level? SHOP NOW.
Kelzyme receives accolades from the Quail Botanical Gardens for the tremendous success created from the treatment of their redwood, citrus and bamboo trees. 500 Tons of Kelzyme was donated to the gardens for usage at their discretion.
Kelzyme Research and Development Center is proud to announce that Kelzyme has received OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Certification. OMRI reviews applying products against the National Organic Standards.
The use of the fossilized marine algae mineral, Kelzyme, in new vineyard planting application is an appropriate way to ensure that the developing plants receive a reliable supply of essential trace nutrients and a rich supply of valuable calcium. Kelzyme is an organic source and a long-lasting supply of a wide variety of minerals which promote and stimulate plant growth hormones that accelerate the pace of development in new plantings.